Foto di marco bigelli

Great school, where teachers put all their passion in their lectures and in all the collateral activities that they offer to those who want to learn and practice Russian language. очень хорошо!

Foto di federica nigro

I knew of the existence of this Russian school and I follow it on Instagram but I had never attended a course or other events. In September, together with other girls, I started the preparation course for the TRKI-3 (C1) certification. The teacher, Anna, was really good, the lessons were very interesting and specific for the preparation for the various parts of the certification. We have done a lot of practice (and Anna has always given precise and punctual feedback with explanations relating to errors or doubts that may arise) and we have been provided with many well-made and extremely complete and useful materials, which I will continue to study even after the exam. Anna has always asked us what were the subjects on which we had the most difficulty to then see them together. Furthermore, the study group is made up of a maximum of 6 people so it works very well because the teacher can dedicate more attention to each student and it is easier for us students to follow the course as well. The school is top, as are the teachers who are always very helpful and kind. I highly recommend also for the interesting events that the school organizes regularly!!!

Foto di Alessia Mattarollo

I accidentally discovered the existence of this institute and it was a pleasant discovery! I have attended some interesting and well organized events on zoom. The teachers are very well prepared and available. I took a couple of very useful individual lessons in view of the TRKИ certification and the exam itself in the March session. I had the pleasure of meeting Olga, very helpful and kind. I recommend relying on competent teachers like them 📚

Foto di Federico Orsini

I attended the Scuola del Portico delle Parole for more than a year. Initially my only goal was to obtain the certificate I wanted, which could only happen by attending an Official and Recognized Russian Language School. In the end, the certificate, although obtained thanks to the support, perseverance, patience and preparation of the teachers, almost took a back seat for me, because first of all I must admit that I met fantastic people, always smiling, available , and always ready to welcome and value their students. There are also many extra-curricular events organized by the School: outings and gatherings outside lesson hours aimed at making new friends, further involving students in the practice of the language and in understanding Russian customs and traditions. A really nice experience that I recommend to anyone, especially those who really want to bet on themselves and who are not satisfied with mediocrity. For me, the Portico delle Parole will always remain my very personal nest, a safe haven, not my goal, but my starting point towards the discovery of something that should absolutely be experienced. Всем Спасибо. Mir. 🙏🏻

Foto di Alessio Cuccia

I am very satisfied with the service offered by this association. It is one of the centers closest to where I live that offers the possibility to take the TORFL-TRKI Russian language exam in two sessions a year (summer and winter) and at all levels (from A1 to C2). Furthermore, it is possible to carry out all the tests in one day. This is very convenient for all those who do not live in the Bologna area and who therefore have to move, as in my case, from one region to another to reach this centre, without having to spend the night out. In addition, exam results are issued just one week after the day of the test. Therefore I recommend this center to all those who wish to certify their knowledge of the Russian language in the future.